Drumming for Wellbeing

Drumming at the Edge of Awareness

Intuitive Drumming Workshop for Counsellors and Psychotherapists 

Next Date: Sat 1st June 2024

Times: 16.00 – 18.00hrs
Venue: Huthwaite, Nottinghamshire, NG17

All levels are welcome as no previous drumming experience is necessary.
Although the group is on-going, come and join us when you can/wish to. We aim to run the workshop once a month.

No need to attend all the sessions. Pre-booking your place is necessary.

A workshop for trainee and qualified therapists, wishing to:

  • Explore different ways to express yourself
  • Explore how music could support you
  • Explore a different way to release emotions and stress levels
  • A wellbeing time for you, and a time for fun

Monthly 2-hour Drumming Circles in Huthwaite (Sutton-in-Ashfield) NG17– for all levels – beginners are welcome and drums will be provided. Please bring your drum if you have it.

Drumming can be a very powerful tool for self-expression. Finding “our voice” (sound) can be a healing experience

Our workshops are both experiential and feelings led – following the sounds and expressions of individuals and the collective, rather than set rhythms or forms.

This enables each person to quickly become immersed and engaged, able to soon create some amazing music and vibrations.

Therapists today need more ways to release and express both the impact and residue of client material, and drumming is a profoundly physical and emotional way to channel feelings, whilst connecting players to a rhythm deeply embedded in the earth. It is a wonderful way to cleanse energies and tune in to yourself and others.

The workshops are open to all levels and we use a variety of hand drums and percussion – including djembes, congas, Darbukas and cow bells.

Drumming in many cultures represents the heartbeat of mother earth and her cycles. Women are taking up drumming more and more, to re-affirm this connection, finding their own beats and expression and re-claiming space in previously male dominated space and community.

Drumming boosts confidence, forges communication and connection, can channel and release emotions and enhance emotional resilience. It improves cardiovascular health and the immune system, decreases stress and anxiety, is a powerful creative outlet and boosts personal growth and wellbeing.

It is also fundamentally great fun!

The workshop is led by Shirani Situnayake and Maya Gagni, who are also both Psychotherapists.

We have drummed and facilitated drumming groups for many years, and bring to each group a depth, sensitivity and connection to energy that helps drive change.

Maximum number of 10 people, so book early – £10 per session. Drums provided.

Contact Shirani: shirani.s@hotmail.co.uk

Mob: 07950 856 263
