Understanding Depression

We understand Depression to be one or all of the following:

  • A natural response to overwhelming feelings, situations and environment
  • Feeling hopeless and/or helpless
  • Genetically inherited
  • Connected to physiological chemical imbalances

Here at the Practice we will support you in:

  • Increasing your understanding around your depressive triggers and responses
  • Building resources that will hopefully enable you to counter balance the depressive response
  • Helping you develop and explore other ways of expressing yourself

If you believe you are affected by Depression, you should always speak to your GP first. Medication might be a more appropriate first response especially if you feel highly suicidal.

If you feel highly suicidal you can always call the Emergency Service 999,

The Samaritans 116 123 (free number) or go to your nearest A&E


It is within the herd that I have finally found my voice.....long forgotten but not lost.
Thank you, Cleo and Sultana for allowing me to be part of the herd.

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Thanks to my therapist I am now more assertive and clearer of my needs and therefore more able to live a life that I want rather than what people want.

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Although at the beginning I was very scared of horses, today I realised that the biggest fear was that I could be as powerful as the horses.

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We are recognized with AVIVA, BUPA and many more insurances. Call us to see if check if you are covered. We are also accredited member of BACP, NDCP and NCS.