Couple Counselling

Couple counselling can provide you with an environment that fosters a non-judgemental and non-blaming environment for you to explore your difficulties and challenges.

Perhaps when you feel that your relationship is failing or “falling apart”, counselling can enable you to find a way to explore the issues first before any decisions are made.

For this to work, both of you will need to be committed and willing to attend the sessions.

A joint initial meeting, followed by a one-to-one meeting with both of you will be necessary to assess your needs and aims for the therapeutic work.


It is within the herd that I have finally found my voice.....long forgotten but not lost.
Thank you, Cleo and Sultana for allowing me to be part of the herd.

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Thanks to my therapist I am now more assertive and clearer of my needs and therefore more able to live a life that I want rather than what people want.

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Although at the beginning I was very scared of horses, today I realised that the biggest fear was that I could be as powerful as the horses.

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We are recognized with AVIVA, BUPA and many more insurances. Call us to see if check if you are covered. We are also accredited member of BACP, NDCP and NCS.